What are their opening hours?

The opening hours at our offices vary, but the most common is from 9 am to 5 pm.

Are you looking for an internship in Accountor?

The vacancies we have in KAD are advertised on our careers pages . If you do not find an advertised internship position there, we unfortunately have no vacancies at the moment. You are always welcome to submit an open application in our CV database, you can do so in our application portal here .

What software should I use for managing my books?

There are dozens of different bookkeeping software solutions available. Famous of them are 24 seven Office and Tripletex

How skilled is your bookkeeping team?

All of our Bookkeepers are fully qualified having professional qualifications from Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) & Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP).Our team is highly qualified with experience of at least 10 years. We have the best team in town.
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